Our Offerings
Annual Sale and Private Treaty Offers
Red, White, & Blue Bull Sale
We’re proud to offer our customers cattle that we know will work. Being at 7,200 ft elevation, we understand the vitality of altitude-tested herd sires and are excited to welcome everyone to our annual multi-breed bull sale. It's the decades of experience in our brand that acknowledge the benefits of a 2-year-old bull. Because of this, we offer age-advanced, PAP-tested Hereford, Angus, Red Angus, and Simmental bulls every November at the ranch.
Bred Heifers
True to the name, the bull sale's main focus is the sale of herd bulls to commercial cattlemen across the country. However, in recent years we have introduced a set of AI bred heifers as the final lot at the end of the sale. Bred to PAP-tested bulls, you can bid with confidence that the females will perform and their calves will be just as efficient.
Private Treaty Females & Steers
With Saige's junior career coming to an end, we are in a position to promote and sell our best females for the betterment of your show string, or cow herds. Feel free to contact us at any time to go through the heifers and steers.